Online Videos Now Available
Are you ready to learn how to start a campfire without a match?
We've converted our DVD project into 14 managable Flash video clips (.flv) that you can watch on your computer. (See Sampler here.)
Even if you have never started a camp fire before, you will feel at ease at the easy steps it takes to start a fire without a match.
Join Rodney East, creator of the Best Selling "Why Knot?" knot tying DVD, as he demonstrates Six Different Methods of starting a fire without a match.
The Supplemental Handbook

The 26-page downloadable Handbook is designed to be a supplement to the video. It begins with an introduction to fire, and the elements necessary for fire to occur.
Section Two shows the necessary steps needed to build a fire. It gives an overview of the different types of tinder and kindling you can use.
Section Three covers six different methods to start a fire without the aid of a match. There are also resources provided to show you where you can locate some of the items we use to start our fires.
You might be wondering, "Why can't I just use my Matches or Lighter?"
While matches and lighters may be quicker and easier, there are times where they, too, let us down. Sometimes matches get wet and sometimes the lighter fluid runs out. What will you do then? It's always good to have a backup plan.
This Fire Without A Match Video and Handbook Set will help you develop a backup plan for starting a fire when your matches or lighters are not enough.
Make your way to for more details.